Thursday, September 3, 2015

Twitter, Yay or Nay?

 I say YAY! 

If used correctly this type of social media can be of so much help. Going through a few Tweets from some that I follow, I have learned so many new things. Learning tools to implement in the classroom that integrate technology in huge way. For instance, The Daring Librarian is exactly as she is described in her profile name, daring. My favorite would have to be the ability to learn straight form park rangers as mentioned in this tweet here.
Tony Vincent has a serious passion for learning, at least that's what I gather from his tweets. He really loves to share all his new experiences of technology learning tools. Useful info that might be used in the future or find a way to convince administrators for future purchases. This is one tweet I found useful.
Buffy J. Hamilton is very passionate about expressing her feelings about everything. Could be the weather or her frustrations of librarian woes. However, this allows us to learn about the things that work or don't work through her experiences. We can follow her to find tweets that work, such as this one.
Jim Lerman loves to tweet of the latest Google tool available to today's teachers. Tons of helpful technology info is what you will find when you become a follower of Lerman. Example of the type of tweets you will find helpful would be like this one.
Linda W. Braun is all for making sure educators know of the latest informative articles on new technology resources. Find articles like this when you follower her.
Kathy Schrock is sure to give us some personal insight of herself and also offers some educational resources to help any educator. Here is a tweet that I found interesting enough to share.

If you would like to know how I embedded these twitter posts is actually really simple.  Just watch this helpful video that I have embedded here just for you.


  1. Letty, this is really informative and interesting! The best part is you've curated a number of apps that are now embedded in your blog, and you can share this with teachers!

  2. I liked the tweet on skyping with a park ranger too. Who knew? I'll have to be on the look-out for other places that might offer such things as well, (other than national parks). Cool.
